UCF Music Department

Intent to Audition

To enroll as a music major at UCF you must be admitted by UCF Admissions and accepted into the Department of Music. Contact Undergraduate Admissions, 407-823-3000, if you have not already applied for admission to UCF and received your UCF ID.

Please use proper spelling, capitalization and punctuation.

Intent to Audition Form
Personal Information

seven-digit number (Ex: 1234567).
If you have not yet received one, leave field blank.

Contact Information

Academic and Performance Information

Please review the Undergraduate Program Descriptions and Audition Requirements. If you want to audition in more than one Instrument/Voice Type or Field of Study, you must submit a new Intent to Audition form for each one

Music Department • College of Arts & Humanities at the University of Central Florida
Phone: 407-823-2869 Fax: 407-823-3378 • E-mail: ucfmusic@ucf.edu